Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Assignment 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

3 - Assignment Example ding to the research on the effects of global warming by computer modeling incorporation, it is evident that we may not have conferring benefits on the carbon sink from Amazon rain forest. Thus by 2100 it will cause an increase of around 5-8 degrees centigrade. Based on the research, it is a serious concern because once the methane release starts, due to the global warming, it would be impossible to stop the runaway methane global warming. 3) A little reported but quite serious global infrastructure problem is the current rate of iron ore/steel usage. Research and report the growth of Chinas use of steel (since the year 2000) and the implication that this growth rate has on the exhaustion timescale of the worlds steel supply. Find data to compare the growth rates from 2000 to 2008 to those for 2009-2012. Comment on whether or not this is the silver lining associated with global economic meltdown. 4) a) Which county is growing fastest and what is that growth rate? (attach a screen shoot of your result); If new schools are built for every new 5000 people, how many new schools would need to be built in this county by the year 2050? In 1980 a standard emerged that there should be 1 county sheriff for every 3000 citizens of any county. Based on the 1950-1980 growth rates, what would be the population of Lane County in 2010 and how many county sheriffs should we have? Bonus point* Find the actual size of the Lane County Sheriff’s department. When a country is at the pre-industrial stage, the population grows slowly because the death and birth rates are quite high. During industrialization stage, the food increases, medical care improves, sanitation improves and the death rate increases. At this stage, the population grows rapidly. After the living conditions have improved, the birth rate decreases, which in turn cause the population rate to decrease. After the industrial stage has kicked in fully, the population will grow at a very slow rate (Russell, Herz &

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